C.G. Jung Gesellschaft Berlin
  • Veranstaltungen

Leadership: Psychological, Political and Personal Perspectives (Seminar und Workshop)

11. Oktober 2014 - 15:00 Uhr
Praxis Dr. Veronika Veltkamp, Badensche Str. 54, Berlin
Referent: Prof. Andrew Samuels (London)

Prof. Samuels schreibt uns dazu:
»Leadership is a key political topic. But leadership is also a deeply psychological matter on the collective level. Moreover, there are many related personal questions that arise in connection with authority, autonomy, and taking responsibility. We will explore people’s ‘political memories’ of leaders and then review in a more systematic manner some models of leadership. The whole question of the possibilities and limitations of leadership on a personal level – making a difference, speaking out, stepping forward – will also be explored. Though the focus is contemporary, issues that still affect the Jungian community concerning Jung’s views on leaders and the led will undoubtedly be present in the atmosphere.

The seminar/workshop is open to all psychotherapists, psychologists, academics, journalists, and interested citizens. Do not worry if you are not confident in speaking in English; there will be translation and some work will take place in German.«

Zur Person:

Andrew Samuels is a Jungian analyst, professor, political consultant and activist. His work at the interface of politics and psychotherapy is internationally recognised. He has worked with political leaders, parties and activist groups. His many books have been translated into 19 languages. Relevant works for this event are The Political Psyche (1993), Politics on the Couch (2001), and Persons, Passions, Politics, Psychotherapy. Andrew is a frequent visitor to Germany and is known for his open and participatory style of conducting events like this one. www.andrewsamuels.com

Andrew Samuels betont weiter, es gehe ihm bei »Leadership/Führung« um ein psychologisches und politisches Konzept, nicht um Parteipolitik. Der Ort der Arbeit im Workshop sei in und zwischen den Individuen unter Anwesenheit eines Analytikers.

Prof. Samuels hat mit den Größen der Weltpolitik gearbeitet und verfügt über »amazing experiences«, wie er sagt, über die er sprechen, aber nicht schreiben könne. Dr. Joerg Rasche wird die wesentlichen Thesen Andrew Samuels ins Deutsche übersetzen.

Da dieses Seminar den Auftakt zu unserem neuen Studienjahr bildet, laden wir in der Pause und am Schluss wie in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem Umtrunk mit Imbiss ein.

Kostenbeitrag 20 / 16 / 10 €  (Gäste/Mitglieder und Rentner/Studierende und Erwerbslose)

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